wellcare® Hotline: 888-395-1033

Listing Fees for Performance Requirements for Pitless Adapters, Pitless Units, and Well Caps: ASSE Standard #1093-2019(R2023)/WSC PAS-97 (2019)(R2023)

Please see the listing fee schedule below for certified products meeting the Performance Requirements for Pitless Adapters, Pitless Units, and Well Caps: ASSE Standard #1093-2019(R2023)/WSC PAS-97 (2019)(R2023).

If you are a WSC member in good standing, the listing fees for your product(s) are included in your membership dues. There is no additional charge.

If you are NOT a WSC member and wish to list products meeting the standard, the following fees apply:

Total Number of Products To Be Listed 2024-2025 Listing Fees
One (1) or up to ten (10) products $8,950
Eleven (11) or up to twenty (20) products $12,625
Twenty-one (21) or more products $21,500

Not a WSC member, please fill out this application. Upon completion of this form, an invoice will be sent to you.

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