wellcare® Hotline: 888-395-1033
The State Well Codes database stores state standards for the construction of private water wells.
Included in the database is state-specific information on various codes related to well construction and siting. To find information on your state or other states, use the searchable database below.
Please note that this database is intended as a guide and occasionally standards change. WSC updates the database periodically, but we encourage you to obtain a full list of state well codes from your state environmental agency or contact the wellcare® Hotline for assistance.
If you have questions about the database, corrections or updates, please contact Charlene Bean.
Please click on the State Name in the list below for well code information. If you would like to alphabetize the table, click on the column name in blue.
State | Category | Subcategory |
Nevada | Casing | Casing - General |
Nevada | Caps | Caps - General |
Nevada | Access Ports & Tubes | Access Ports & Tubes - General |
Nevada | Abandonment | Abandonment - General |
New Jersey | Well Pits or Vaults | Well Pits Or Vaults - General |
New Jersey | Well Head Completion | Well Head Completion - General |
New Jersey | Vents | Vents - General |
New Jersey | Seals | Seals - General |
New Jersey | Pumps | Pumps - General |
New Jersey | Pump Pits | Pump Pits - General |
New Jersey | Pitless Adapters and Units | Pitless Adapters & Units - General |
New Jersey | Permitting | Permitting - General |
New Jersey | Packers | Packers - General |
New Jersey | Abandonment | Maintenance & Repair - General |
New Jersey | Location | Wood Frame Building |
New Jersey | Location | Septic Tank |
New Jersey | Location | Seepage Pit |
New Jersey | Location | Fuel Storage Tank |
New Jersey | Location | Dry Well |
New Jersey | Location | Distribution Box |
New Jersey | Location | Disposal Field |
New Jersey | Location | Cesspool |
New Jersey | Location | Building Sewer |
New Jersey | Licensing | Licensing - General |
New Jersey | Housing | Housing - General |
New Jersey | Grout | Portland Neat Cement |
New Jersey | Grout | Portland Cement & High Grade Bentonite |
New Jersey | Grout | High Grade Bentonite |
New Jersey | Grout | Grout - General |
New Jersey | Grout | Displacement Method |
New Jersey | Gravel | Gravel - General |
New Jersey | Fracturing | Fracturing - General |
New Jersey | Explosives | Explosives - General |
New Jersey | Disinfection | Disinfection - General |
New Jersey | Development | Development - General |
New Jersey | Cross Connection | Cross Connection - General |
New Jersey | Casing | Steel |
New Jersey | Casing | Plastic |
New Jersey | Casing | Casing - General |
New Jersey | Caps | Caps - General |
New Jersey | Additional Requirements | Additional Requirements - General |
New Jersey | Abandonment | Abandonment - General |
New Hampshire | Well Head Completion | Well Head Completion - General |
New Hampshire | Vents | Vents - General |
New Hampshire | Testing | Testing - General |
New Hampshire | Seals | Seals - General |
New Hampshire | Screens | Screens - General |
New Hampshire | Pumps | Pumps - General |
New Hampshire | Plumbness & Alignment | Plumbness & Alignment - General |
New Hampshire | Plumbing Connection | Plumbing Connection - General |
New Hampshire | Pitless Adapters & Units | Pitless Adapters & Units - General |
New Hampshire | Packers | Packers - General |
New Hampshire | Location | Septic Tanks, Effluent Disposal Area |
New Hampshire | Location | Property Boundaries |
New Hampshire | Licensing | Licensing - General |
New Hampshire | Grout | Grout - General |
New Hampshire | Fracturing | Fracturing - General |
New Hampshire | Electrical Connection | Electrical Connection - General |
New Hampshire | Disinfection | Disinfection - General |
New Hampshire | Development | Development - General |
New Hampshire | Casing | Steel |
New Hampshire | Casing | Plastic |
New Hampshire | Casing | Casing - General |
New Hampshire | Caps | Caps - General |
New Hampshire | Access Ports & Tubes | Access Ports & Tubes - General |
New Hampshire | Abandonment | Abandonment - General |
Nebraska | Well Pits or Vaults | Well Pits Or Vaults - General |
Nebraska | Well Head Completion | Well Head Completion - General |
Nebraska | Vents | Vents - General |
Nebraska | Testing | Testing - General |
Nebraska | Seals | Seals - General |
Nebraska | Screens | Screens - General |
Nebraska | Pumps | Submersible Pump |
Nebraska | Pumps | Discharge Piping |
Nebraska | Pump Pits | Pump/Well Pits - General |
Nebraska | Plumbness & Alignment | Plumbness & Alignment - General |
Nebraska | Plumbing Connection | Plumbing Connection - General |
Nebraska | Abandonment | Pitless Adapters & Units - General |
Nebraska | Permitting | Permitting - General |
Nebraska | Abandonment | Maintenance & Repair - General |
Nebraska | Location | Sewer Lines |
Nebraska | Location | Septic Tank |
Nebraska | Location | Pit |
Nebraska | Location | Location - General |
Nebraska | Location | Depression Containing Stagnant Water |
Nebraska | Location | Cesspool, Privy, Subsurface Disposal System |
Nebraska | Licensing | Licensing - General |
Nebraska | Grout | Sand Cement |
Nebraska | Grout | Placement |
Nebraska | Grout | Nonslurry Bentonite Grout |
Nebraska | Grout | Neat Cement |
Nebraska | Grout | Cement-Based Grout |
Nebraska | Grout | Cement-Bentonite Grout |
Nebraska | Grout | Bentonite Grout Slurry |
Nebraska | Gravel Pack | Gravel Pack - General |
Nebraska | Electrical Connection | Electrical Connection - General |
Nebraska | Disinfection | Disinfection - General |
Nebraska | Development | Development - General |
Nebraska | Casing | Non-Steel Casing |
Nebraska | Casing | Casing - General |