wellcare® Hotline: 888-395-1033


How do I get a well drilled on my property?

WSC recommends that you hire a licensed well contractor for any well construction. For more information on selecting a well contractor please view the wellcare® information sheet, Selecting a Well Contractor.

Where is my well located?

Locate the wellhead in your yard. This is the top of your well. There should be cap or seal on the top of the casing (pipe) that should extend at least twelve inches above the ground to keep contaminants from entering the system. Soil should slope away from the wellhead so surface water doesn’t puddle. See our well diagram for additional information.

How far should my septic system be from my water well system?

Most states require your septic system to be a minimum of 50 feet away from your well system. However, your local requirements may be different. WSC recommends that you check with your local or state health department for the separation requirements in your area.

When do you disinfect a well?

Disinfection is only used when a new well is drilled, flooding occurs, after a well is serviced, if harmful bacterias are found, and if the well has been sitting without use for an extended period of time. WSC recommends that you have a licensed well contractor make any repairs to your well and disinfect it afterwards. You can also disinfect your well, but before you do, you should read the wellcare® information Sheet, Disinfecting Your Well.

What type of treatment is needed for a well system?

Well water is naturally better! So it’s likely that your well water won’t need any treatment. Before you consider any treatment, you should have your water tested. The test results will help you to decide what (if any) treatment you may need. Then, your well contractor or water treatment provider in your area can recommend the best treatment technology for your well.

How do I get my water tested?

You can locate a list of licensed laboratories in your area using our interactive map. Call the laboratory and schedule an appointment. Your test results should be back within 2 weeks. There are also some national testing laboratories that can provide you with a test kit and instructions on how to properly test your well water. You then send the sample to them and they will provide you with the test results.

You can also receive a discount on test kits when you join our wellcare® Well Owners Network — membership is free and you can sign up now online.

If you need help understanding your test results, call our toll free hotline at 888-395-1033.

What do I test for?

If there is no known contamination and no apparent changes in smell or taste, have the laboratory test for a minimum of bacteria. For additional testing recommendations view the wellcare® information sheet, Well Water Testing or contact the wellcare® Hotline at 888-395-1033.

Where do I purchase a water treatment system?

After water testing is performed, WSC recommends that you contact your well contractor or water treatment provider in your area for assistance in selecting water treatment. Water treatment should be certified by NSF or Water Quality Association. If you need further assistance contact the wellcare® Hotline at 888-395-1033.

What do I need to test for in order to sell my home?

Typical water tests for real estate transactions are bacteria, nitrate, and lead. However, requirements vary by lender and state. Contact your local or state health department or the wellcare® Hotline at 888-395-1033 for further assistance.

I am buying a home with a well and radon was detected in the air. Should I have the well water tested?

Yes! WSC recommends that you have the well water tested whenever you are buying a home with a well. Radon should be included especially if you are in a high-risk radon region and/or radon was detected in the air. View our interactive map or contact the wellcare® Hotline at 888-395-1033 for water testing laboratories.

How do I remove the contaminant(s) from my water?

There are different treatment systems for different contaminants, so WSC recommends that you always consult a certified water treatment professional and be sure that the treatment system is certified. You can locate a certified water treatment professional on Water Quality Association’s website or contact the wellcare® Hotline for assistance.

I have low water pressure and the water has a surging and subsiding pressure variation through the pipes.

Your well pump system can be adjusted to give you a service pressure that will meet your expectations. The surging of your water coming from your faucets is a sign that the air change in your water tank is out of balance with your pressure switch or the diaphragm in the tank is torn. Your water tank may need to be replaced. The surging will eventually lead to pump failure. Contact a licensed well contractor to inspect your system for this problem.

At what pressure should the tank be set, and how do I adjust it?

Your pressure tank should be the same as your pump’s cut on setting. For example: 30/50 setting would have a pump cut on of 28 psi, 40/60 cut on is 38 psi, and 50/70 cut on is 48 psi. To adjust a tank’s air pressure, first shut off electric power to the pump. Open a faucet near the tank and drain completely. Then follow the manufacturer’s instructions for adjusting the pressure. However, we suggest you contact a licensed well contractor to make any repairs on your well. To locate a licensed well contractor in your area our interactive map may help. If you have any questions or need help contact our wellcare® Hotline.

When I shut off the power to my pump, does the remaining water in the pipe line drain back into the pressure tank?

No, the water will not drain back into the pressure tank. During normal operation of a well pump system there is a pressure control switch, which reads water pressure within your pipe line. The switch controls the flow of electricity to your pump when you are using water from your system. When you stop using water, your pressure tank will fill with water until an upper pressure setting is reached and at that moment the pressure switch will interrupt the flow of electricity to the pump and the pump will stop pumping water. A valve, just above your pump will close and hold the water pressure in your system. When you use enough water, the cycle will start over.

I’m having problems with my well pump. It seems to be working fine, but I have to prime it every other day, otherwise nothing gets pumped out. Could my pressure tank be the problem? My water pressure isn’t that high, but seems to be okay.

Let’s consider some factors that could be causing you to prime your pump so often: 1. Every two days, your water use is greater, causing the water level in the well to drop enough for the pump to pull in air, either through the intake, or through a very small break in the pipe. When the water is low enough, the break is exposed to air and you lose pressure. 2. The suction pipe has a loose connection. 3. The rotary shaft seal is worn on the pump. 4. The air volume control valve on the pressure tank sticks from time to time, allowing air into the pump chamber. Your best bet is to contact a certified well driller, experienced in pump repair, to inspect your system and pinpoint the problem.

If our well pump operates at 12 gallons per minute and it takes nine minutes to recharge the storage tank, does that mean we have a leak or other problem?

Yes. It seems that there is something wrong with your well system, since the average fill rate is 1.34 gallons pumped per minute. A licensed well contractor should be able to inspect your system to determine if you have a failure or need any repairs.

Are there ever times when you have to watch your well water consumption so as not to run your well dry? If so, what times of the year does this occur?

Yes! You should conserve water as much as possible throughout the year especially in the drier months. You can find additional information by viewing our wellcare® information sheet, Water Conservation.

We had a salesperson come to our home. They performed an onsite water test and then told us our water was unsafe to drink. The salesperson suggested we could buy one of his treatment systems to fix the problem, but the treatment systems costs several thousand dollars. What should we do now?

No one can tell you that your water is unsafe with an onsite test only. Only a certified laboratory can perform the tests to determine the safety of your water supply. Never purchase water systems from a non-certified or pushy salesperson. WSC recommends having your water tested by a certified laboratory and then getting a second opinion from a certified water treatment professional before making a decision. You can use our interactive map to locate a certified laboratory, the Water Quality Association’s website to locate a certified water treatment professional, or contact the wellcare® Hotline for assistance.

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